
Making your labeling process even easier.

Datasaur provides a shortcuts to make labeling even easier.

Keyboard Shortcuts

We recognize that many Datasaur users are power users. We provide keyboard shortcuts to help make labeling more efficient.

The most commonly used shortcuts are available in the label boxes that are displayed while labeling a token. In the example below, you can select 1 to apply the date label.

In document-labeling, shortcuts are displayed in the extension as shown below. These shortcuts only appear if you choose Dropdown as the question type.

You can access the full version of the keyboard shortcuts by clicking the Help button or by pressing ctrl + / on your Windows keyboard and ⌘ + / on your Mac keyboard.

Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet

FunctionsMac KeyboardWindows Keyboard

Export file...


Ctrl E

Export all files...

⌘ ⇧ E

Ctrl Shift E

Open project dashboard

⌃ O

Ctrl O


⌘ Z

Ctrl Z


⌘ ⇧ Z

Ctrl Y


⌘ C

Ctrl C

Go to line...

⌃ G

Ctrl G

Go to next file

⌃ ⌥ .

Ctrl Alt .

Go to previous file

⌃ ⌥ ,

Ctrl Alt ,

Go to next unlabeled line

⌃ ⇧ .

Ctrl Shift .

Go to previous unlabeled line

⌃ ⇧ ,

Ctrl Shift ,

Go to next unlabeled token

⌃ ⇧ Down

Ctrl Shift Down

Go to previous unlabeled token

⌃ ⇧ Up

Ctrl Shift Up

Go to previous line

⌃ ,

Ctrl ,

Go to next line

⌃ .

Ctrl .

Go to next conflict

⌥ ⇧ Right

Alt Shift Right

Go to previous conflict

⌥ ⇧ Left

Alt Shift Left

Keyboard shortcuts...

⌘ /

Ctrl /

Exit draw mode



Backward 10 seconds

⌃ J

Alt J


⌃ K

Alt K

Forward 10 seconds

⌃ L

Alt L

Toggle auto scroll

⌃ ;

Alt ;


⌃ M

Alt M

Forward one step



Back one step



Expand/Shrink one step to the left

⇧ Left

Shift Left

Expand/Shrink one step to the right

⇧ Right

Shift Right

Forward one token

⌥ Right

Ctrl Left

Back one token

⌥ Left

Ctrl Right

Expand/Shrink one token to the left

⌃ ⇧ Left

Ctrl Shift Left

Expand/Shrink one token to the right

⌃ ⇧ Right

Ctrl Shift Right

Select upper label

⇧ Up

Shift Up

Select lower label

⇧ Down

Shift Down

Next sentence

⌘ Down

Ctrl Down

Pervious sentence

⌘ Up

Ctrl Up

Hide tagbox



Show tagbox



Accept label

⌃ Enter

Ctrl Enter

Delete label



Edit sentence

⌃ ⇧ E

Ctrl Alt Shift E

Span label set 1

⌃ 1

Alt 1

Span label set 2

⌃ 2

Alt 2

Span label set 3

⌃ 3

Alt 3

Span label set 4

⌃ 4

Alt 4

Span label set 5

⌃ 5

Alt 5

Span label set 6

⌃ 6

Alt 6

Span label set 7

⌃ 7

Alt 7

Span label set 8

⌃ 8

Alt 8

Span label set 9

⌃ 9

Alt 9

Span label set 10

⌃ 0

Alt 0

Arrow label set 1

⌃ ⇧ 1

Alt Shift 1

Arrow label set 2

⌃ ⇧ 2

Alt Shift 2

Arrow label set 3

⌃ ⇧ 3

Alt Shift 3

Arrow label set 4

⌃ ⇧ 4

Alt Shift 4

Arrow label set 5

⌃ ⇧ 5

Alt Shift 5

Arrow label set 6

⌃ ⇧ 6

Alt Shift 6

Arrow label set 7

⌃ ⇧ 7

Alt Shift 7

Arrow label set 8

⌃ ⇧ 8

Alt Shift 8

Arrow label set 9

⌃ ⇧ 9

Alt Shift 9

Arrow label set 110

⌃ ⇧ 0

Alt Shift 0

Show Extension as Full Height

We are aware that many Datasaur users utilize our extensions. To enhance the experience, we have added a toggle that allows you to view each extension at full height.

To activate this feature, simply click on the triple dots located at the bottom right and select ‘Full Height’.

After enable the ‘Full Height’, you will easily view each extension in full height version like the following screenshot.

Last updated