Check Job

Not all our APIs are synchronous, usually a potentially long running process will be handled by a job. To check whether job is finished or to get any other information, use this query.

  • Query: getJob

  • Input: $jobId: string

  • Response: Job

Example Request via cURL

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"operationName":"AutoLabelTokenBasedProjectMutation","variables":{"input":{"labelerEmail":"","options":{"numberOfFilesPerRequest":0,"serviceProvider":"CUSTOM"},"projectId":"HvdyIL2iwZn","targetAPI":{"endpoint":"","secretKey":"secret"}}},"query":"mutation AutoLabelTokenBasedProjectMutation($input: AutoLabelTokenBasedProjectInput!) {  result: autoLabelTokenBasedProject(input: $input) {    id  status  progress  }}"}'

Below is the more readable version of request body from cURL command above.

    "operationName": "GetJobQuery",
    "variables": {
        "jobId": "AutoLabelQueue:dcbf6ed3-3841-46c1-8f6a-2affb53ac637"
    "query": "query GetJobQuery($jobId: String!) {  result: getJob(jobId: $jobId) {    id  status  progress  }}"
  • operationName: you can fill any alphanumeric string in as the operationName. GetJobQuery is fine as a default. Refer this page to organize operationName properly.

  • query: Copy it from cURL example.

Example Response

Here is the response when you execute the cURL command above.

    "data": {
        "result": {
            "id": "AutoLabelQueue:dcbf6ed3-3841-46c1-8f6a-2affb53ac637",
            "status": "DELIVERED",
            "progress": 0
    "extensions": {}

If the status is already DELIVERED, then the job is finished.

Last updated